Should one with poor digestive power do heavy exercise?

Should one with poor digestive power do heavy exercise?
Should one with Poor Digestive Power do heavy exercise?


Exercise is compulsory for a healthy life and a stable fitness journey. It provides strength to your system and maintains the overall blood circulation. 

Exercise is a process that involves the movement of the body part in a specific manner which can include various physical activities such as running, jumping, skipping, increasing the pulse rate, sweating, etc. 

In Hindi, exercise is known as “Vyayam”. The term “Vyayam” is defined as the group or the collection of physical activities which help a person or an individual to stay fit and healthy. 

People often think that what’s the secret to staying fit and energetic all day long but there is no secret behind it. Exercise, a healthy diet, and lifestyle is only the best way to feel energetic persistently.

You will have to include exercise in your daily schedule if you want to live a fit, healthy, and longer life. There are various health benefits of doing regular exercise and adding it to your daily schedule. 

Knowledge of those health benefits will make you understand the value and the importance of the exercises in our daily life. 

No matter what your age is, what your gender is, exercise is a good and healthy habit which should be developed as soon as possible. 

Children of age 3 to 8 are often physically active throughout the day which is the reason why they should be pressured to do exercise forcefully but individuals of the age above should definitely start practicing various exercises that can help them a lot in getting a good physical and mental health. 

Regular exercise can help you in maintaining a perfect weight. It works beautifully for the underweights and for the overweights also. People often do a mistake, they start doing exercise when they become overweight or obese. 

You should start doing exercise even if you seem to be perfectly fit and not when you feel that you need to include regular exercises in your schedule. 

Everyone in the world fears different kinds of diseases because they know that it will take their money, time, and health in the name of treatment. They get tensed and start filtering out their diet, what to eat and what not to eat. 

These people need to know the value and the importance of exercise which can save them from various troublesome diseases such as High Blood Pressure, Depression, Anxiety, Diabetes, Tension, Arthritis, etc. 

There may be a permanent solution for these problems by the virtue of some expensive medicines and treatment but why to spend on them when you can do exercises which can be proved to be the best precaution for all diseases.

So that was all about exercise and why it is important for you. Now, let’s know about the digestion process which is one of the most complicated processes in the human body. 

What is Digestive Power?

Before understanding what digestive power is, we need to understand the meaning and the process of Digestion. Digestion is the process in which the food consumed is broken down into its subcomponents and its constituents for further absorption into the bloodstream.

In simple words, digestion is a process of converting food into energy. This complex process provides energy, nutrients, nourishment, and various other things required by the body in order to live a normal life. 

When all the nutrients and nourishments are completely absorbed by the body with the help of digestion then the waste is created which accumulates in a specific part of our intestine for being thrown out of the body. At last, those waste are thrown out of the body 

By the process of excretion.

The digestion process is complicated and various body organs take part in it. Liver, pancreas, small intestine, large intestine, kidney, esophagus, mouth, spleen are examples of the organ which plays an important role in the complete process of digestion. 

Digestive power can be understood as the efficiency of the overall digestion process. There are various factors that influence the digestive power of a person such as a diet, lifestyle, exercise, environment, etc. 

Poor or unmanaged lifestyle and diet decrease the digestive power of a person because of which he or she always feels low on energy. 

How can I Improve my Digestive Power?

Eating pure and healthy food along with exercise does not decrease or disturb your digestive power but we know that getting pure and healthy food is extremely difficult in today’s era where adulteration is present everywhere. 

Your digestive power may become weak due to any reason but you will be glad to know that there are certain ways which can increase your digestive power providing you better digestion and health. 

So, let’s know about the ways which can help you increase or balance your digestive power increasing the efficiency of the overall digestion process. 

1. Meditation

Meditation is a process in which an individual uses a specific technique in order to achieve a calm and stable state of mind. Meditation helps us to achieve a certain level of relaxation which is found to improve various systems of our body including the digestive system.

2. Exercises

Exercise calibrates your digestive system and increases its efficiency. It speeds up the digestion process and promotes the breakdown of digested and undigested food in an appropriate manner increasing the digestive power.

3. Diet

Diet plays one of the most important roles in the overall process of digestion. Eating the right food at the right time with proper exercises always tunes your digestion process and hence it is critical to choose a correct diet plan. 

4. Fast

There are various advantages of fasting such as reducing inflammation, maintaining the metabolism, promoting weight loss, and enhancing digestive power.

Conclusion - Should one with poor digestive power do heavy exercises?

Now, it’s time for the conclusion and answering the question “Should one with poor digestive power do heavy exercises?”. 

People with weak digestive power often have poor digestion as a result of a weak digestive system. They feel low and less energetic than others, sometimes they feel demotivated at the end of the day. 

As their body does not generate the required amount of energy, doing heavy exercises on a regular basis can become the worst decision for their health and fitness. 

That’s the reason why we do not recommend anyone with poor digestive power to do heavy exercises such as weightlifting, pull-ups, etc. There are various ways with the help of which one can improve his or her digestion and digestive power, some of which are mentioned in this post. 

They should continuously work on improving their digestion up to an extent and then they can safely do heavy weight lifting exercises. What are your views on this topic, share with us in the comments. 

"So, these were some interesting facts, remember given above is not a solution to any problem, they are just mere advice and information. You should always consult your doctor before taking any step. Take care!." Please subscribe and share interesting health or fitness topics, and interesting facts.

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