Role of breathing exercises in Covid recovery

Role of breathing exercises in Covid recovery
Role of breathing exercises in Covid Recovery


There are various exercises, yoga, home remedies, diet, and lifestyle that are believed to be beneficial in covid recovery.

But it’s a fact that none of the exercise, yoga, home remedies, diet, or lifestyle has been proven to be beneficial in covid recovery and prevention.

Immunity is the only thing that can save us from this evil Covid infection and that’s the reason why the market of the immune booster medication along with the popularity of immune-boosting exercises or yoga has increased a lot. 

Some people are confused that which exercise or yoga is required to be practiced for developing a strong immunity while others are confused about what to eat and what to not in order to strengthen the inner immunity of the body.

Exercise, a healthy diet, and lifestyle have the power to increase your immunity and overall health but then also millions of people were battling with Covid for their life.

Why? Let’s try to find out its answer in this post.

As we all know that Covid Vaccine is only the most powerful thing that can develop the immunity required to battle against Coronavirus, let’s know about the other things which are really popular in developing the immunity required for battling evil Coronavirus. 

What is a Breathing exercise?

As we know that exercise is a combination of various physical movements which enhance or maintains physical as well as mental fitness.

Exercises are of various types which are differentiated on the basis of movement on the specific part of the body. 

Exercises are broadly divided into four different types, they are Aerobic exercise, Strengthening exercises, Flexibility exercises, and Balancing exercises. 

As the name suggests the breathing exercises are the exercise that deals with the movement of the breath.

Most of the breathing exercises are a special variation of breathing that enhances the overall strength of the lungs and improves the respiration process.

Abdominal breathing is a kind of breathing exercise or a breathing technique in which the breathing is taken and focused from your diaphragm. 

In Abdominal breathing, your lungs expand more than it does in the normal breathing. Your lungs get fully filled up with air and exert some negative pressure to exhale out the breadth. 

This pattern or type of breathing technique or exercise is automatically followed by our body when we are in a deep sleep and that’s the reason why the quality of the breathing when we sleep increases a lot in comparison to the normal breathing when we are waked up.

Short and rapid breaths are also known as chest breathing or thoracic breathing. There are various breathing exercises that you can follow in order to increase the strength of your lungs and the entire respiration system. 

Alternate Nostril Breathing, Belly Breathing, Box Breathing, 4-7-8 Breathing, Lion’s breath, Mindful Breathing, Pursed Lip Breathing, Resonance Breathing, Simple breathing, Deep breathing are some of the most popular breathing techniques and exercises that you can try.

So, these were all about breathing exercises and techniques which can increase your immunity and strengthen your respiratory system. Now, let’s have a look at the impact of Covid on the lungs and the overall respiratory system.

Impact of Covid on lungs

We all know that COVID is a respiratory infection, every respiratory disease or infection attacks and weaken your lungs because it is the main part of the respiratory system.

This attack or weakening of the lungs makes a variety of breathing problems for the patient who is suffering from it. 

Cough, congestion, difficulty in breathing, short breathiness along with some other breathing problems is caused by this coronavirus can be added to the list of impacts of covid on the lungs.

This virus manipulates the cell and the mucous membrane of the nose, mouth, and eyes and makes use of them to regenerate itself.

The virus is mutating and is found to affect the lungs in different ways for example in recent research it has been found that this deadly virus is primarily attacking the lower part of the respiratory tract. 

Lung swelling and its inflammation are part of the response of the immune system which fights back to the infection and its viruses. It may be an immune response but it is very uncomfortable and painful for the patient.

Around 80% of the Covid cases are mild and have slight symptoms of cough, sore throat, and fever but it becomes problematic for old age people.

Role of breathing exercises in Covid recovery

Breathing exercises are very beneficial for building immunity and strengthing lungs and it has been proved over a period of time. Diaphragm breathing or belly breathing helps a lot in restoring lungs function by using the diaphragm. 

Remember never to rush for recovery after covid infection because everybody needs a specific amount of time in order to recover all the infected cells and the damage caused by the infection.

Covid attacks and affects the entire respiratory tract and the respiratory system which is the reason why breathing exercise which strengthens and builds the immunity of the entire respiration system is recommended a lot.

You should also remember the fact that breathing exercises do not prevent COVID and should never be replaced by masks, social distancing, or vaccination.

The role of the breathing exercise is that it develops the immunity of the lungs and the entire body to resist the covid virus and its infection.

The Alternate nostril breathing exercise also a part of the Pranayam is believed to be effective in strengthening your respiratory system enhancing its immunity. 

Breathing exercises are good both in pre and post covid infection but still, it’s not the solution especially if you feel nausea, vomiting, dizziness, chest tightness, short breathiness, pain in respiratory tracks, etc.


So, now we have concluded the definition and the meaning of the breathing exercises, the impact of coronavirus on lungs, and the role of breathing exercises in covid recovery.

At last, we recommend you to visit your local doctor as soon as you find any of the covid symptoms. Thanks a lot.

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