Psoriasis Symptoms and its ayurvedic treatment

Psoriasis Symptoms and its ayurvedic treatment
Psoriasis Symptoms and its Ayurvedic Treatments


There are various types of skin infections and diseases today because of which a large number of people are facing huge problems.

We cannot deny the fact that today’s environment is not as healthy and clear as it was in our past.

This bad environment gives birth to various types of microorganisms which are bad for our health and fitness.

Skin infection can be caused by various kinds of germs and microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. 

Today we will discuss one of the worst skin diseases Psoriasis. We will know about its symptoms along with the Ayurvedic treatment of Psoriasis.

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a typical kind of skin disease that creates scaly patches on specific areas of the body.

Those scaly patches become red and itchy causing a lot of discomfort to the patients. It is a chronic disease and its successful treatment is still difficult.

Soles of the feet, scalp, palms, legs, elbows, back, and trunk are some of the common areas which get affected by psoriasis.

Sometimes, psoriasis affects a person in a cycle, for example, it will be persistent for a few months or weeks, and then it depresses for a while after that it will again be persistent for a few months or weeks.

After research and study, it was found that psoriasis can be an immune system problem.

A kind of immune system problem that increases the skin development process faster than the normal rate. 

Psoriasis Symptoms

As we told you earlier there are various types of skin diseases and infections which is the reason why psoriasis can easily be confused with other skin diseases and infections, so knowing the symptoms of psoriasis becomes important for identifying it clearly.

First of all, there are no specific symptoms of psoriasis, the symptoms of psoriasis can differ from person to person.

But in most of the cases silver scaly, red patches of the skin, small scaling spots, drying and cracking of the skin, swollen, stiffness, unbearable itchiness, and burning sensation of the skin along with soreness are found to be some of the common symptoms of psoriasis. 

Generally, it starts from a pea-size area on the skin, and then it grows and spreads covering a large portion depending on its type.

Ya, there are various types of psoriasis that affect the different portions of the skin covering different areas. Let’s know about them one by one - 

Nail psoriasis: This type of psoriasis affects the nails of the finger and toes causing nails to grow abnormally. It discolors the nail and loosens it from its root making it more painful. 

Plaque psoriasis: It is one of the most common forms of psoriasis which causes raised, dry, and red skin patches with the layer of silvery scales. They are very itchy and discolor the skin.

Inverse psoriasis: This is a weird kind of psoriasis that affects the skin folds of the breast, groin, and buttocks. This type of psoriasis is commonly triggered by fungal infections.

Guttate psoriasis: This type of psoriasis develops drop-shaped scaling lesions on the trunk, arms, or legs.

Pustular psoriasis: It’s a rare form of psoriasis. It develops pus-filled lesions that occur in patches in the smaller area of the palms and feet.

Erythrodermic psoriasis: It is also a rare type of psoriasis which covers the entire body with red, and scaling rashes that are very itchy and imitate burning sensation on itching.

Psoriatic arthritis: It affects the joints of an individual and makes it swollen and painful. It has very complex symptoms and that’s the reason why it is difficult to characterize. 

Psoriasis Ayurvedic Treatment

There are various types of psoriasis and each type has a different kind of symptoms which is why you should always consult a doctor after acknowledging any of the symptoms because a professional doctor can only tell you that it’s actually psoriasis or any other type of skin infection or disease.

No one can provide you 100% successful medication or therapy or any other solution for psoriasis as the treatment of this disease is complex. But there are various treatments and medication that claims to control this skin problem. 

Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis does not cover only a single treatment or remedy instead it consists of a combination of different ayurvedic treatments which work on different components and constituents of the body which are believed to be the cause of psoriasis.

Panchakarma therapy is one of the main ayurvedic treatments for psoriasis. It is a plant-based remedy with a strict dietary plan.

This therapy is very popular for detoxification and purification of the body. A person needs to follow a vegetarian diet plan in panchakarma therapy. 

The length of the time duration of the treatment of the Panchakarma therapy for psoriasis depends upon the severity of it. 

Some topical solutions of ayurvedic herbs are also used for the treatment of psoriasis in the initial stage when the condition is not very worst. Topical solutions of the herbs like Aloe vera, neem, tulsi, guggul, garlic are often used in the treatment of psoriasis. 

The topical solution of aloe vera is widely known to reduce the inflammation and itchiness of the skin.

Applying coconut or olive oil over the infected area after bath also relieves the itchiness and inflammation caused by psoriasis.

Ayurveda says that psoriasis is caused by the imbalance of the “Vata” and “Kapha” in a body.

These two are the elements of a certain type of energy which is supposed to be in a balanced state for being healthy and fit.

A healthy and clean lifestyle is often recommended to patients with psoriasis along with a balanced vegetarian diet. Various Yoga poses such as Deep Breathing, Child’s Pose, and salutation seal is taught to the patient for regular practicing. Patanjali kayakalp oil is also found to be beneficial for patients with psoriasis.

At last, according to Ayurveda the unhealthy lifestyle and diet are two of the most important cause behind psoriasis and that’s the reason why it is always recommended to practice yoga, eat and live a healthy lifestyle.

"So, these were some interesting facts, remember given above is not a solution to any problem, they are just mere advice and information. You should always consult your doctor before taking any step. Take care!." Please subscribe and share interesting health or fitness topics, and interesting facts.

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