White rice vs. Brown rice

White Rice vs. Brown Rice

Let’s talk about rice today. Rice is an ancient grain, which originated in China about 10,000 years ago, and spread to other parts of Asia. Rice is a staple food in many parts of the world, especially in Asia.

Recently, rice has been in the middle of controversies, for increasing the risk of diabetes and causing weight gain. Often people are asked to replace the white rice in their diet with brown rice

So this was a bit brief introduction about the rice. Let’s know about the questions that we are targeting today in this post and try to acknowledge the best answer that can be provided to the context of the question.

Two questions that We are going to address today–

1) Should you eat rice?

2) If yes, should it be white rice or brown rice? 

Let’s talk about if you should eat rice? Rice is often only looked at as a source of carbohydrates. Firstly, you need carbohydrates, they provide you with energy. Secondly, rice also contains protein. 

1 cup of cooked rice can provide you with 4-5 g of protein. Moreover, rice also contains 8 out of the 9 essential amino acids that our bodies cannot synthesize. 

Rice also provides you with micronutrients like selenium, manganese, and thiamine. Moreover, rice is also an excellent choice for people with gluten intolerances and celiac disease. So bottom line, We don’t see a reason you can't eat rice

How much to eat? Depends on how much you need, overeating any food is not advisable.

Now, the comparison between white and brown rice

This has been a debatable topic for quite a while now. White and brown rice, both have the same amount of protein. The predominant difference between white and brown rice is the fiber content. 

Brown rice contains more fiber and effectively somewhat more nutrients than white rice. This is because the outer hull is intact in brown rice

Now, fiber does slow down the release of glucose to your bloodstream and brings down the glycaemic index of food. 

But the fiber in brown rice contains a mineral known as phytic acid, which reportedly acts as an ‘antinutrient’, that is it decreases the absorption of other nutrients in the body. 

So in reality, most of the nutrients in brown rice might not even be absorbed by the body. Ok, so white rice is demonized for not having enough fiber. 

There is a fact relevant to the white rice that you should be knowing and that’s the white rice is the least nutritious rice because it gets stripped of it fiber, vitamin, and some other nutrients during its processing.

Remember that if your body needs a certain specific amount of nutrients it will absorb that specific amount of nutrients only no matter how loads and tons of that nutrients you have taken with the help of any medium. 

It is extremely important to understand because people think that increasing the amount of a certain nutrient will surplus the benefits provided to the body by the virtue of that nutrient but it’s wrong and now you know why. 

But think about it, would you have a plate of white rice by itself? No, right. In India, people usually have white rice with lentils and vegetables, in Mexico, people might have it with chicken and beans. Lentils, vegetables, and beans all are sources of protein and fiber, and they will slow down the release of glucose from white rice

Simply put, when you combine white rice with other foods, you don’t have to worry too much about its low fiber, as the other foods will make up for it. This is the reason why in the countries such as India, white rice is taken with every other vegetable and pulses.

Also, if you are someone who does heavy workouts and strength training, supplementing your protein with some white rice is arguable better than consuming brown rice

After workouts, the body needs fast-digesting carbs to drive the amino acids to your muscles. The glucose in white rice will also help to replenish the muscle glycogen. So the question, should you eat rice, and what kind of rice

Personally, We love rice and can’t do without it. Between white rice and brown rice, choose the kind that goes best with your taste preference and you have fewer issues eating.

We feel that most Indian curries don’t go very well with brown rice, so, We prefer white rice. We also believe that one must enjoy what one is eating. 

Brown vs. White rice is a popular debate happening over a decade. Everyone has their own point of view but White rice has beaten every other rice and can be said as the king of the rice.

White rice itself has a huge variety because of which it is liked by everyone.

If you don’t like the taste of something, there is no point in forcing yourself to eat it. But there is a reason why some people prefer brown rice over white rice, those people are definitely more conscious of their health than others and the reason is nutrition.

After all the debate there is the conclusion which we want to share and that’s the brown rice is more nutritious than white rice.

Most fitness freaks and gym lovers prefer to add brown rice in place of white rice in their diet because of the nutrition available in the brown rice such as fiber, magnesium, etc.

So after reading this post you might get your answer to the question “is brown rice better than white rice”.

So, if you are a rice lover like us, that one bowl of rice a day is going to do you no harm. So, go ahead and enjoy it! 

"So, these were some interesting facts, remember given above is not a solution to any problem, they are just mere advice and information. You should always consult your doctor before taking any step. Take care!." Please subscribe and share interesting health or fitness topics, and interesting facts.

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