3 disadvantages of Orange juice

3 disadvantages of Orange juice
3 Disadvantages of Orange Juice

Today's we will discuss orange juices. We all love our morning glass of orange juice, don’t we? And we make sure to pick up the kind that’s 100% juice is not made from concentrate. 

Media and food labels have portrayed orange juice to be a simple, natural product as if the oranges have just fallen from the trees into the carton. But is that true? So let’s investigate how orange juice is made.

After squeezing the juice out of the oranges, the juice is strained and pasteurized, meaning it is treated at high temperatures to kill pathogens and to prevent it from spoilage. Once pasteurized, the juice is transferred to huge vats where it is deaerated, that is the oxygen from the juice is removed. 

This is done once again to prevent the juice from spoilage and to extend its shelf life. Once de-aerated, the juice just sits in the vats for months without spoiling until it is packaged. During the process of de-aeration though, the orange juice is completely ripped off of its natural flavor. 

So guess what, the manufacturers re-flavor the juice by adding flavor packs. Every manufacturer has its own secret recipe for the flavor pack. Ever wondered why your favorite glass of orange juice always tastes the same? It’s the flavor packs.

Try making orange juice at home every day, it would never taste the same, somedays it would be sweeter, other days sourer. So although your favorite bottle of orange juice says 100% natural, it contains added flavor packs. 

These flavor packs are made from orange essence and oils, and hence, the FDA doesn’t require their listing in the ingredients list. 

However, the problem with the flavor packs is that the levels of compounds in them are very different from what is naturally found in the orange itself, which makes the flavor packs far from natural. 

Here are three reasons why you should skip the orange juice and have an orange instead. 

1. Nutrients 

The process of pasteurization depletes the orange juice of some of its Vitamin C and antioxidants. The level of depletion of these nutrients depends on the extent and duration of the heat treatment. 

Also, the labels on the bottles that mention a certain amount of Vitamin C in the juice might not reflect the real values, as they do not take into account the production and storage steps. 

2. Sugar levels 

One cup of orange juice, which is about 240ml contains 3-4 medium-sized oranges. And the amount of sugar in this 1 cup of juice is about 25 g. But you normally would not consume 3-4 oranges

You might consume 1 whole orange which contains only about 6g of sugar. So your cup of orange juice contains a lot more sugar than what you would get from consuming an orange. In fact, a cup of orange juice is only minimally better in its sugar levels than a can of coke or soda. 

I know you might think that the fruit sugar fructose does no harm to the body, but there are reports that have shown the negative effects of over-consumption of fructose as well. So it's good to be moderate with fructose too.

3. Fiber

When you consume an orange on its own, you get the fiber, along with the sugar in the fruit. The fiber slows down the absorption of the sugar and prevents any sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. 

However, orange juice is completely devoid of fiber, and therefore on consumption, it causes an instant rise in blood sugar levels. 

It is generally believed that the consumption of fruits in their raw and natural form is better than the bottled juices. The intent of this video is not to prevent you from consuming orange juice, but if you are consuming it under the impression that orange juice is a very healthy product, you are probably being misled. 

So it’s good to show some moderation with the orange juice, or even better make your own orange juice at home! 

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Adding natural fruit juice to your diet is always a fun and tasty way to balance all the important nutrients required by our body. But sometimes, we forget that what’s additional we consume with the natural fruit juice.

Natural fruit juices have sugar, no matter in small or large quantities, so you should not be shocked to know that you are still taking sugar. Consuming fruit juices are completely fine but only in an adequate amount. 

Drinking juices more than enough can be responsible for the birth of various health issues. Obesity is one of them. People who do not work out or exercise a bit rigorous on the daily basis but love to drink a lot of juices, easily gain weight and become the victim of Obesity.

Excess of everything is bad, and in this case, it can lead to chronic health issues. Obesity once cause, can be controlled with the help of regular exercise and workout but Diabetes cannot. Yes, drinking a lot of juice on the regular basis can become the reason for you being diabetic. 

If you broadly look at the juice removing all the nutrients from it then it would be very similar to the one we know as “Soda”. Drinking Soda or Carbonated water on a regular basis for a long time setup’s the negative environment inside the body of a person which is enough to make him diabetic. So always take care of that. 

This is not only a disadvantage of orange juice this is the disadvantage of various other tasty and sweet juices also, which is the reason why you should always check out and analyze the positive and the negative of your favorite juice before taking them on the regular basis.

"So, these were some interesting facts, remember given above is not a solution to any problem, they are just mere advice and information. You should always consult your doctor before taking any step. Take care!." Please subscribe and share interesting health or fitness topics, and interesting facts.

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