Does Herbal hand sanitizer worth it?

Does Herbal Hand Sanitizer Worth it?

Today we are going to discuss herbal hand sanitizers. Recently Patanjali comes up with Ayurvedic hand sanitizer and friends you know well how sanitization and hygiene are important in today's world. 

It is a need of time and in the current situation, Patanjali brings us a unique hand sanitizer, Patanjali claims that this hand sanitizer is efficient to kill 99.9% of germs, being an Ayurvedic company Patanjali manufactures only Ayurvedic products. 

According to the WHO or the world health organization, sanitization is one of the most important and effective ways to kill the evil corona virus present at any surface including our hands. 

That’s the reason why the demand for hand sanitizer has been on the peek ever since the impact of the Corona virus. Fulfilling this demand, various healthcare and hygiene companies came forward with their own sanitizers with some specific qualities.

So as expected they have also given their Ayurvedic touch to their Sanitizer


Talking about the sanitizer, the sanitizer contains Basil, Neem, and Aloe vera which makes this sanitizer a true herbal product But apart from this it also contains 70% isopropyl alcohol v/v Which truly makes this product a perfect hand sanitizer

Now, According to the instructions of WHO an ideal hand sanitizer should contain a minimum of 60% of isopropyl alcohol, 60% is an ideal potency to kill any kind of a pathogenic microorganism and the concentration in this sanitizer is 70% which makes it truly a hand sanitizer

Personally when we used this sanitizer then we liked the feel of it, most of the sanitizers available in the market when applied to the hands, and later when alcohol inside it gets evaporated then the residue leaving behind on hands causes stickiness. 

This sanitizer we found not leaving any residue or sign behind apart from this you will also notice the fragrance of it. It is having a very sweet pleasant aromatic, typically ethyl alcohol kind of smell. In that, you will also find a slight fragrance of musk. 

Ya, it has various organic ingredients and natural compounds but it does not smell more like that.

Some people may find this fragrance more strong but we personally loved the smell of the scent. One more special thing about this product is its pricing.

The Company decided to be very aggressive in terms of its pricing. The pricing of this product is really competitive in comparison to other sanitizers. Patanjali knows the keeping the aggressive pricing of this product is extremely compulsory keeping in mind the demand.

The Indian pharmaceutical sanitizer manufacturer companies those who are having a rigid market reputation comparing to all of them the price of this product is lesser than 50% the 120 ml bottle of this product you will get only in 55 Indian rupees (less than 1 USD). 

We guess it is the most affordable product in this segment. We may be wrong but at present, this herbal hand sanitizer is one of the most popular and cheap sanitizers in its price segment.

Now let's come to the last point that, is it a truly herbal sanitizer or not? 

It is written on the product that it is an Ayurvedic Proprietary medicine It also contains Neem, Aloe vera and Basil in it we would like to know from you please comment down below. 

Do you consider this Ayurvedic medicine or not? 

Don't forget that it also contains Isopropyl alcohol our personal opinion is that it may be a marketing gimmick for any ayurvedic product not yet proven to be effective in the treatment of coronavirus. 

As per the WHO only 60% ethyl or isopropyl alcohol, If you really want your hands to get disinfected with any sanitizer, and this product is exactly doing the same but what exactly the role of a herbal blend in it is still a question.

But it doesn't mean it is a bad product It is a really nice product we really liked, and about herbal ingredients in it, their presence or absence in the product does not matter a lot. 

There are various product’s in the market in which you will find several ayurvedic and natural things as an ingredient, but no one knows their authenticity and effectiveness. 

Looking at it from the broad view of marketing you will find that it is one of the best ways to gain the trust of the audience on your products. Today, everyone has a specific point in his mind that synthetic and artificial product has harsh and harmful chemicals in it. 

These toxic components can disturb your skin or hair’s natural oil balance arising several issues and that’s the reason why people are getting attracted towards ayurvedic and natural products more.

This is true but again no one knows its authenticity and effectiveness. Trying them out is only the most effective method to find out that these products will provide you the actual benefits or not. 

Any hand sanitizer is good or bad can be decided only by alcohol percentage in it the potency of isopropyl alcohol in it that should be more than 60% as per the WHO guidelines and norms, this product meets this criterion. 

So this is a truly good product during quarantined we already made one article on hand sanitizer

MUST SEE - Did you sanitize and disinfect the groceries and packages?

Please have a look at that article too, if you have any suggestions If you want me to make us write an article on any topic then please feel free to express in the comments below So enough for the day. 

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