10 Interesting facts about Gardening

10 Interesting facts about Gardening
10 Interesting health benefits about Gardening

Hi, today we will talk about plants, plants are much smarter than we think and there are many more details about plants we don't know yet. Certain facts about plants are perplexing! and some are simple, fun, silly, or even mind-blowing. 

And for those who love gardening, these are really interesting and even useful when it comes to gardening practice.

So here we go! We will quickly learn 10 interesting facts and reasons for gardening and plants and at the end of the article, We want your views through the comment box. 

10 Interesting facts about Gardening -

1). Do you know? Trees are the longest-living organisms on earth. The oldest living tree is the Great Basin bristlecone pine and it's about 5067 years old. 

2). Do you know? Plants have senses and can essentially see, hear, smell, feel, react, and even think. Not just plants. All organisms including Mushrooms and bacteria also have sensory perception. 

3). Plants can recognize their siblings, like when you plant multiple plants of the same family close to one another, they give them Preferential treatment. 

And the competition of the roots for nutrients and also the root space is less when compared to other plants.

4). Bamboo is the fastest-growing woody plant in the world; it can grow 35 inches in a single day. 

5). Do you know: Bamboo and lucky bamboo are different plants from different families. Lucky bamboo that we grow indoors has nothing to do with actual bamboo plants. 

Lucky bamboo is a dracaena whereas true bamboo belongs to the grass family. 

6). More than 20 percent of the world's oxygen is produced in the Amazon Rainforest alone. Now you know why trees are so important for all life on this planet. 

7). Caution: All parts of the oleander or kanerplant (botanically Nerium oleander) are actually poisonous. Oleander is a beautiful flowering tree that many of us grow in our homes. 

Ingesting oleander leaves can cause gastrointestinal, cardiac, and central nervous system problems and possible death. 

8). There are many Carnivorous Plants / InsectivorousPlants like the Venus flytrap, Nepenthes or pitcher plants, water wheel plants, and many others. They get some or most of their nutrients from trapping and consuming small animals and insects. 

9). Do you Know? There are more microorganisms in one teaspoon of soil than the total number of people on earth. These microorganisms are very important for keeping your soil full of nutrients. 

10). Now a very important Fact and its scientific reason! One of these plants needs More exposure to Sunlight? - Variegated Leaves plant or- Non- Variegated one? And WHY? -. 

Do you know the reason? - The answer to this question is: Non-Variegatedones have Darker or greener leaves, hence they have more chloroplasts in them for photosynthesis and can do well even in lesser light as well, whereas the variegated ones have lesser cells and hence need more sunlight for photosynthesis. 

For newbies, Chloroplasts are cells that contain chlorophyll for photosynthesis. And Photosynthesis is the process by which plants produce their food with the help of sunlight. 

Do you know that some of the fruits are not really fruits, instead they are flowers, they are often confused to be fruit as they are edible. 

Some examples of those flowers which can be eaten are alliums, nasturtiums, marigolds, pansies and johnny jump-ups, calendula, anise hyssop, honeysuckle, scarlet beans, borage, bee balm, chamomile, daylily, mint, squash blossoms, etc.

You might be wondering from the fact in the 8th point, how can a plant be carnivorous? 

Ya, they are carnivorous because they do not get consumed by bugs or any other living organism but they themselves eat bugs and insects. There are more than 650 species of carnivorous plants discovered all over the world.

Some of the most popular carnivorous plants are pitcher plants, venus fly trap, yellow pitcher plant, cobra lily, butterwort, monkey cup, Australian sundew, big floating bladderwort, etc. 

These plants are not harmful to humans because of their size but still, sometimes they make us feel wonderful and rethink the plant and the entire plant life.

In the second point, we have talked about the plant senses and coming to these carnivorous plants, you will be intensified to know that they have an extraordinary sense of feel. 

They can feel and actually detect when they are touched. That’s the reason why various insects and bugs when sitting on them on their mouth then they get trapped and eaten by them.

Just like small or tiny hair on some insects which the help of which they detect and feel any kind of vibration these plants with the help of those tiny hairs available on their body detects the movement of the prey and catch them strongly and extract them to their death.

Sometimes you may wonder about the height of the trees, how long they are? Well, the world’s tallest tree is thee coast redwood which scientific name is Sequoia sempervirens. 

This tree is native to the pacific coast of the United States. The height of the palm trees is also very surprising and strange at the same time.

The average height of the palm trees can be 60 to 65 feet or more than that. There are various species of palm trees all over the world and out of them the “Quindio wax palm tree” is the tallest species that can have an abnormal height of 180 to 190 feet high and that’s amazing. Also, palm trees have their own importance in our past. 

In ancient times, the Assyrian tribes believe that palm trees are the symbol of eternal life and that was the reason why the palm tree was one of the most valuable trees in their ancient and unique culture. 

"So, these were some interesting facts, remember given above is not a solution to any problem, they are just mere advice and information. You should always consult your doctor before taking any step. Take care!." Please subscribe and share interesting health or fitness topics, and interesting facts.

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