Types of water you should know

Types of Water you should know

Types of water you should know

It is often said in Summer that "Drink more water", as being well hydrated brings a lot of health benefits and saves you from the strokes of Summer. 

Our body uses water for various kinds of functions such as cell rejuvenation, developing tissues to regulate body temperature, maintaining required levels of moisture in some sensitive areas, excreting waste through urination and defecation, etc.

Not drinking the right amount of water can lead to various health problems and body issues such as dehydration, increased risk of Strokes, improper metabolism, headaches, poor skin health, fatigue, etc.

Drinking a required amount of water is good for health but you should also be aware of its sources, its quality, and its benefits. All water is not the same, some have different origins, while others may have been processed.

Different kinds of water have different health benefits and that’s the reason why you should take it accordingly.

In this post, we will be discussing different kinds of water with some of their properties. So let's know about "Types of water you should know"-

   1. Tap water

  • Simple water supply through pipes, it is found everywhere. It can also be said as running water, city water, town water, municipal water, etc. 

  • It is frequently used for any domestic purpose such as cooking, washing, flushing, and some other areas. 

  • It is far cheaper than any of the bottled water or packaged drinking water.

  • It can easily be contaminated and can also contain harmful chemicals with other undesirable substances and can be responsible for Waterborne diseases if remains unhygienic for a long time.

  • A simple home filtration system is often required to cleanse the tap water.

  • In some developed countries where strict hygiene is followed, tap water is also assumed as drinking water.

    2. Mineral water

  • As the name suggests, Mineral water contains minerals like sulfur, magnesium, calcium, and different salts as it is water from a mineral spring.

  • Provides different types of Mineral required by the body.

  • It Aids in digestion and reduces the chances of water-borne infection. It helps in the secretion of Amylase from the pancreas.

  • It also provides health benefits for the kidney. Some studies also show that it reduces the chance of the formation of Kidney stones.

  • Mineral water also helps in preventing muscle cramps, it helps to maintain required levels of fluids and electrolytes in the body. Most of the athletes prefer mineral water to drink after their routine exercise.

  • It is more costly than tap water, One of its downs.

  • Mineral water is rich in magnesium, which is one of the reasons why it helps in the managing and regulation of high blood pressure.

    3. Spring or Glacier water

  • They are freshwater, types of water that are cleansed and free of toxins at the source from where the water flows.

  • Free of any kind of toxics and have helpful minerals found in Mineral water.

  • It is easily accessible.

  • It is more costly than tap water, One of its downs.

  • They emerge from the discharge of water from some underground resources.

  • Some of them can be Raw, unfiltered, untested so it may have potential health risks mostly depending on their content.

  • They are further classified on the basis of their temperature.

   4. Sparkling water

  • Sparkling water is the infusion of Carbon dioxide gas under pressure, also known as carbonated or soda water.

  • Sparkling water usually has salt or sugar added to improve the taste. Apart from it they also have a small number of minerals included.

  • Sparkling water helps to hydrate better than regular soda without causing weight gain.

  • It is not good for people suffering from Gas problems or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease as it may cause more bloating and gas trouble.

  • They are expensive in comparison to tap water and some bottled water as well.

  • Sparkling or carbonated water can aid in digestion.

   5. Distilled water

  • A simple process is done in which water is boiled and the steam is collected and condensed back into a liquid.

  • If the running water or tap water is contaminated then distilled is a great option.

  • There are no health benefits of distilled water as it does not contain many vitamins and minerals.

  6. Purified water

  • When tap water or groundwater is treated to remove harmful substances like bacteria, fungi, or different harmful pathogenic micro-organisms then it is the purified water.

  • If the running water or tap water is contaminated then distilled is a great option.

  • Many countries purify tap water, so we're drinking purified water each time.

  • During the removal of harmful substances, some potential benefits are also removed such as fluoride, which aids in tooth decay.

  • Installing the filtration system at home can be pretty costly.

   7. Flavored or Infused water

  • Flavored water is sweetened with either sugar or artificial sweeteners or contains some natural or artificial flavorings.

  • It can increase the amount of water consumed as it is a bit tasty.

  • Easily available in most stores.

  • Varieties with sugar can lead to weight gain and are bad for those with diabetes.

  8. Alkaline water

  • Alkaline water contains alkaline minerals and negative oxidation-reduction potential i.e ORP and is the reason it has a higher pH level than normal water.

  • It may help in neutralizing the acid in the body, slow down the aging process, and have some other health benefits.

  • It can lead to Metabolic alkalosis if taken in excess.

 9. Well water

  • Well, water comes directly from the ground, is untreated, and has a number of risks.

  • Well, water is very popular, especially in Indian countries.

  • Various steps can be taken to ensure your well water is suitable for drinking like installing a filtration system.

  • Huge chance of bacterial and parasitic infections if left unfiltered.

"So, these were some interesting facts, remember given above is not a solution to any problem, they are just mere advice and information. You should always consult your doctor before taking any step. Take care!." Please subscribe and share interesting health or fitness topics, and interesting facts.

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