Uses and benefits of Chitrakadi Vati

Uses and benefits of Chitrakadi Vati

Chitrakadi Vati, sometimes also said as Chitrakadi gutika is a strong stomach-related medication used for treating a large variety of illnesses and problems including indigestion, constipation, anorexia, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, etc

Saturated with, digestive, stimulant, and carminative properties, it wipes out destructive AMA poisons from the body which have collected because of malabsorption of food particles. 

Since most parts of the disorders occur due to the constant determined AMA poisons, this ayurvedic medicine expels the poisons and prevents all the basic illnesses. 

Chitrakadi vati plant 

The medicine was named 'Chitrakadi Vati' because of the Active and important ingredient Chitraka. 

A few Sanskrit writings arrange the word 'Chitrakadi' as 'fire or Agni' since it improves stomach related or digestive fire often known as 'Agni' which helps in evacuating AMA and prevent indigestion, acid reflux, and other stomach related problems that occur because of the absence of digestive fire often known as Mandagni.

The comprehensive study of Ayurveda and different ayurvedic text materials like Sarangadhar Samhita, Charaka Samhita vouch for this cure being utilized for -

Deepana (upgrades digestive fire), 
Pachana (helps in digestion), 
Rochana (stimulate craving), 
Anulomana (improves breathing), 
Grahi (treats loose motion), 
Chakshushya (improves eyesight), 
Shulahara (decreases pain), 
Arshohara (treats piles), 
Kusthohara (treats skin infection), 
Shothahara (lessens inflammation), 
Trishna (polydipsia), 
Arochaka (Anorexia), 
Vairashaya (Distaste of mouth), 
Tamaka (Breathing issue or asthma), 
Aasthi parvaruka (Pain in Bones), 
Vamana (Vomiting), 
Jvara (Fever) 
and Vibandha (stoppage), 

If this sounds you bit confusing let's, see its preparation. 

Chitrakadi Vati's preparation 


A 250 gm Vati or tablet of Chitrakadi Vati contains: 

10 grams of Chitraka – Plumbago zeylanica 
10 grams of Ajamoda – Apium graveolens 
10 grams of Maricha - Black pepper - Piper nigrum 
10 grams of Chavya - Java Long Pepper - Piper chaba 
10 grams of Pippali moola - Long pepper root - Piper longum 
10 grams of Pippali - Long pepper natural product - Piper longum 
10 grams of Sonth - Ginger Rhizome - Zingiber officinalis 
10 grams of Hingu - Asafoetida - Ferula asafoetida 
10 grams of Sambhar salt 
10 grams of Samudra Lavana - Common salt, 
10 grams of Sauvarchala Lavana - Black salt 
10 grams of Saindhava Lavana - Rock salt 
10 gram of Vida Lavana - Vida salt 
10 grams of Sarjikashaar 
10 grams of Yavkshaar - Kshaar of Barley - Hordeum vulgare 
Matulunga Swarasa - Lemon juice or Dadima rasa - Pomegranate juice (according to required) 

Therapeutic Benefits of the Ingredients


Chitrak relates to the vernacular names Agni, Jyothi, and is a powerful appetizing herb. 

The powerful carminative nature of this herb is utilized in the treatment of intestinal difficulties, irritation, piles, bronchitis, looseness of the bowels, dysentery, leucoderma, itchiness, problems of the liver, and utilization. 


It improves the capacity of the digestive tract, helps in absorption, and eases digestion, flatulence, blockage or constipation, looseness of the bowels or dysentery, skin issue, issue of the liver, oliguria, normal cold or cough, asthma, dental and eyesight problems. 


Ajamoda, also said as celery has powerful antispasmodic, diuretic, anthelmintic, laxative, and energizer properties. 

It is used for treating body pains and irritation, indigestion, urinary problems, sleep deprivation or insomnia, rheumatism, kidney issue, bronchitis, asthma, and other breathing issues. 


Chavya or long pepper holds high essentialness in treating cold, cough, asthma, stomach pain, swelling, and distension. It likewise eases constipation, improves absorption, and cure worm invasion. 


Pippali or Indian long pepper is broadly used for the treatment of indigestion, looseness of the bowels, cholera, asthma, and so forth. It additionally improves absorption and, is healthy for the skin as well. 


Sonth or dried ginger is an amazingly significant herb and is well used to alleviate patients experiencing dyspepsia, flatulence, puking, constipation, acid reflux, spasm, colic, and other stomach issues. 

It is additionally used for the treatment of asthma, cough, and cold indications. 


The powerful carminative, against viral, hostile to bacterial, mitigating properties of hing are incredibly helpful in rewarding stomach torment, swelling, asthma, hypertension, sting chomps, menstrual issues, and cerebral pain. 


The addition of salts for example Samudra lavana, saindhava lavana, suvarchal lavana, and Vida lavana in the formula adjusts the electrolytes, keeps the body hydrated by meeting the particle needs, prevent muscle squeezes, and keeps up generally vascular health

It additionally improves absorption, bloating and treats the common cold, sore throat, and other cough and cold side effects. 


Sarjikakshaar sometimes called gripe water, is a blend of sodium carbonate, water, and different herbs like ginger, fennel, chamomile, and so forth. 

It is a powerful medication for infantile colic which is where newborn children cry for 3 to 4 hours per day or 3 to 4 days per week. 


It is an alkali arrangement from the barley plant. It acts as an ayurvedic solution for treating urinary calculi, difficulty in urination, painful urination, urinary incontinence, abdominal pain, bloating, and ascites.

Lemon Juice 

The lemon juice or matulunga swaras bind and holds the powder particles together yet at the same time this presence of lemon juice has its own advantages. 

The presence of Vitamin C in lemon makes it a powerful antioxidant. It advances absorption, prevents kidney stones, helps in weight reduction, and furthermore improves skin health

Advantages and Therapeutic Uses 

1. Improves Digestion 

Chitrakadi Vati is a strong digestive energizer. It is a traditional solution for treatments of indigestion, constipation, flatulence, and stomach pain. 

The active ingredient Chitraka prevents mandagni, which is the absence of digestive fire, and thus, mitigates the side effects that occur because of it. 

The carminative property of the Vati helps in separating down food particles in the stomach and digestive tract, upgrades the discharge of the digestive juices and along these lines expands the absorption of essential nutrients through the digestion tracts. 

It assists with wiping out stomach gas and thusly lessens stomach distension, swelling, and vaporous spasms. 

It holds high significance in treatments of a wide scope of gastrointestinal problems like esophagitis, acid reflux, looseness of the bowels, fart, peptic ulcer, and gastroesophageal reflux disease. 

2. Treats Anorexia 

Anorexia nervosa is a dietary issue where an individual experiences and suffers from self-starvation. 

It is sometimes connected to emotional wellness as the individual experiences low weight issues, the fear of putting on weight, lower confidence, and a desire to decrease weight. 

The individual additionally has lost hunger or want to eat any food. Chitrakadi Vati being a strong energizer and appetizer helps in the digestion of food, improves craving, and encourages the individual to eat. 

3. Reduce Constipation 

A few sorts of research on this formula significantly advocate the utilization of this Vati in the treatment of constipation. 

It stimulates bile creation by the liver, which thusly, follows up on the peristalsis movement of the digestive organs and liver, along with these permitting smooth defecation from the internal organ such as the large intestine. 

It likewise assumes a significant job in minimalizing mucous and abundance of fat substances in the stools and keeping them from adhering to the intestinal walls and subsequently prevent ailments like piles. 

4. Improves Fertility And Reproductive Health 

Chitrakadi Vati holds high importance in boosting fertility and improving the reproductive health of ladies. 

It adjusts the hormones and redresses issues relating to the monthly cycle and stomach cramps. 

A few logical investigations and inquiries about vouch for its adequacy and wellbeing level in utilizing it as an option conventional solution for helping the follicle to give out a develop egg required for ovulation. 

In spite of the fact that there is no legitimate examination, the follicle bursting activity of this homegrown definition may likewise assist with settling the arrangement of different little follicles in patients experiencing PCOD

5. Advances Weight Loss 

The Vati assumes to have a key job in burning excessive fat. The availability of strong ingredients such as lemon and ginger in this formula prevents weight gain and diminishes the LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the blood. 

It cleans out the destructive poisons from the body and wears out the overabundance of excess fat and gives a very much toned thin figured body. 

6. Effect On Doshas

The herbal ingredients in the potent stomachic formulation balance the Vata (i.e. air) and Kapha (i.e. earth and water) and improves Pitta (i.e. fire and air) Doshas and plays a key role in effectively removing the AMA doshas (i.e. harmful toxins) from the body.

Adverse Effects Of Chitrakadi Vati

Chitrakadi Vati doesn’t characterize any side effects when used to treat an individual having Kapha disorders. 

In case, the person has Pitta disorders, the formulation may cause hyperacidity, heartburn, burning sensation in the abdomen, and a burning feeling during bowel movements.

It is strictly forbidden from being used during pregnancy or breastfeeding as it can cause abnormalities or birth defects in the growing fetus or the medicine can get passed through breast milk to the newborn and cause severe health problems.

Since Chitrakadi Vati has four different types of salt, so in case of overdosage, the higher salt content in it may lead to high blood pressure, diabetes insipidus, gastritis, and hypernatremia. 

Excessive dosage without consultation may also cause ulcerative colitis, stomach pain, fever, bleeding, sour burp, abdominal distension, bloating, etc.


Chitrakadi Vati is a really powerful traditional ayurvedic medicine used for the treatment of multiple stomach diseases and problems such as indigestion, loss of appetite, constipation, anorexia, diarrhea, abdominal heaviness, and abdominal distension. 

The extensive health benefits of the various herbs used in this formulation increase its therapeutic property in treating any of the infertility issues. 

If taken in the proper dosage, one can definitely cure stomach diseases or problems and enjoy the countless health benefits.

"So, these were some interesting facts, remember given above is not a solution to any problem, they are just mere advice and information. You should always consult your doctor before taking any step. Take care!." Please subscribe and share for interesting health or fitness topics, and interesting facts.

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