15 Interesting facts about Chocolate

15 Interesting facts about Chocolate

Chocolates are one of the most popular food types and flavors in the world, and many foodstuffs involving chocolate exist, particularly desserts, including cakes, pudding, mousse, chocolate brownies, and chocolate chip cookies. 

Many candies are filled with or coated with sweetened chocolate. Chocolate bars, either made of solid chocolate or other ingredients coated in chocolate, are eaten as snacks. 

Gifts of chocolate moulded into different shapes (such as eggs, hearts, coins) are traditional on certain Western holidays, including Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day, and Hanukkah. 

Chocolate is also used in cold and hot beverages, such as chocolate milk and hot chocolate, and in some alcoholic drinks, such as creme de cacao.

15 Interesting facts about chocolate -

1. The first chocolate bar was invented in 1847by Joseph Fry. 

2. The ancient Maya are believed to be the first people to regularly grow cacao trees and drink chocolate. The Aztecs got it later but they had to trade for cacao because they couldn’t grow the trees.

3. The word “chocolate” comes from the Aztec word “xocoatl,” which referred to the bitter, spicy drink the Aztecs made from cacao beans. In fact, chocolate was consumed as a liquid, not a solid, for 90% of its history.

4. It’s believed that people who are allergic to chocolate are actually allergic to cockroaches, as around eight insect parts are typically found in a bar of chocolate, according to the Food and Drug Administration. 

5. Hershey’s Kisses got their name from the kissing sound the machine that deposits the chocolate on the conveyor belt makes.  

6. The inventor of the chocolate chip cookie, Ruth Wakefield, sold her cookie recipe to Nestle in exchange for a lifetime supply of chocolate.

7. There is a rare fourth kind of chocolate in addition to the classic milk, dark, and white varieties: blond chocolate

8. It takes almost a full year for a cocoa tree to produce enough pods to make 10 standard-sized Hershey bars.

9. Eating chocolate can help prevent tooth decay and works as an anti-bacterial agent.

10. The most valuable chocolate bar in the world is a 100-year-old Cadbury’s chocolate bar that was brought along on Captain Robert Scott’sfirst Discovery Expedition to the Antarctic. It sold for $687 at auction in 2001.

11. Milton Hershey, the founder of Hershey Chocolate, was supposed to go on the Titanic but cancelled last minute due to business issues.

12. Americans buy more than 58 million pounds of chocolate on Valentine’s Day every year, making up 5% of sales for the entire year.

13. Apparently, chocolate melting in one’s mouth can cause a more intense and longer-lasting pleasure than kissing.

14. About 40 per cent of almonds produced in the world is made for chocolate products. Without chocolate, the almond is nothing!.

15. People who suffer from depression are said to eat about 55 per cent more chocolate than their non-depressed peers.

There are various other interesting facts about chocolate which we will discuss in the other part of this “15 Interesting facts about chocolate”. 

Dark chocolates are known for various health benefits, it has nearly 70% cocoa along with the other nutritious antioxidants. You know the popularity of antioxidants nowadays, they are widely used by superstars and models in order to look young.

If you are stressed out, feeling fatigued then chocolate is one of the best things to improvise your overall mood. Chocolates are one of the best stress-busters, it can act as a relaxant for you and your mind, so you should definitely have chocolate when bust out, stressed out or feeling a lot of fatigue.

There is a reason behind chocolate being one of the most popular mood improvisers and that’s the property of chocolate to increase the serotonin and endorphin levels in the brain.

We can say that chocolate is indirectly a vegetable as it is the product of the cacao beans which grows in the fruits on cacao trees. 

Cacao is a part of the family of okra and cotton. It’s the processing and conversion which provide chocolate with its taste, texture and shape.

Chocolate might be your favorite but it is definitely not for your pets. Chocolates along with some other cocoa products can be dangerous for your pets and there is a reason behind it and that’s the presence of the toxic element known as the “theobromine”.

This “theobromine” is completely normal for us as a human because our body knows how to metabolize and digest it. But it is toxic for your pet and some animals because their body takes a bit long time to process and metabolize it. 

That long duration of time is not good for their body because the toxic build-up is also going on synchronously in their body.

The 9 points in these 15 interesting facts about chocolate must be wondering you. We from childhood have listened to the fact that sweets and chocolates can be responsible for your tooth decay. But it’s completely the opposite, chocolate can help you prevent tooth decay. 

You know that chocolate is made from cocoa beans. You will be glad to know that cocoa beans have antibacterial agents in them which are responsible for stopping the growth of these tooth decay bacteria from your mouth and overall prevent tooth decay.

However low-quality chocolates do not have the antibacterial properties of cocoa beans as they are made from various other sweeteners. 

So it is recommended to have dark chocolate which has more cocoa in comparison to other chocolates. So these were the 15 Interesting facts about chocolate that must amaze you. 

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