Interesting facts about watermelon and their seeds

Interesting facts about watermelon and their seeds

Interesting facts about watermelon and their seeds 

We all know that fruits are healthy and are an important part of our diet. 

They are a beautiful and delicious gift of nature, most of the fruits are extremely nutritious and tasty as well.

Today we will talk about one such fruit and that’s the Watermelon, the scientific name of the Watermelon is Citrullus lanatus, it's a plant species, in the family Cucurbitaceae

It's strange but true that we can eat the seeds of the watermelon, as they are edible and healthy as well. 

So what about those old proverbs and tales which were something like this "if you swallow a watermelon seed, a watermelon will grow in your belly", well it's just a myth and it's nothing like that.

Now you will get to know their value, Watermelon and their seeds are really nutritious. 

Consumption of Watermelon and their seeds on a daily basis for a while can help you glowing your skin and taking care of it often termed as skincare as they have antioxidants due to which skin look young and youthful, apart from this they are also good for your hair as they have proteins and iron is widely known to improve the texture of hair and their quality. 

Their seeds when consumed can help you boost your overall health

They are rich in many nutrients such as amino acids, Vitamin B complex, and protein along with mono and polyunsaturated fats, micronutrients such as Iron, Potassium, Copper, Zinc, Folate, and Magnesium. 

They are also low in their calorie count, these nutrients and micronutrients are useful to sustain a good metabolism as well.

If you find the seeds of the watermelon to be black, dark brown, or any other color, don't worry it just a matter of maturity of the watermelon as the seeds in starting are small, white in color, and as they grow larger, seeds become a bit bigger, darker in color as we usually find it in watermelon, and mostly it all depends upon when the watermelon is harvested.

They are many different types of health benefits like they are beneficial for making your bones strong and improving your bone density.

They have a good combination of Manganese, Copper, and Potassium. 

They can also be used to manage certain types of hypertension and variation in blood pressure as they have magnesium which is useful in these conditions. 

The oils from the seeds of the watermelon are one of the main ingredients of cosmetics and different products which tend to slow down aging and make you look gorgeous and young. 

So, it's no danger swallowing a few seeds, and it won't hurt you. 

There are different ways to consume it, either you directly consume it chewing, or you take it with salads, or you take it in powder form, the point is you should avoid swallow them whole while enjoying your watermelon, you can also save the seeds and let them sprouted, sheltered, and dried as doing so can make the nutrients of the seeds easily absorbable by our body.

It’s a bit amazing fact that Watermelons are both a vegetable as well as a fruit. In reality, Watermelon is considered a fruit due to its sweet taste and its origination from the pollinated flower but some people believe that Watermelon is a Vegetable.

The Belief of Watermelon to be a vegetable is based on many facts including the one that classifies Watermelon to be a part of a botanical family of gourds. Sometimes Watermelon is included in the family of squash, cucumber, and pumpkin.

Have you ever thought that why the fruit “Watermelon” is named “Watermelon”? Well, the answer is hidden in its name “Water”, the Watermelon has 92% water. This fact is more than enough for giving a reasonable name of Watermelon to this delicious fruit. 

There are a huge variety of Watermelons available all over the world. But to classify them broadly they are divided into four main categories namely seeded, seedless, icebox, and yellow or orange. Seeded is also known as Picnic Watermelon, Icebox is also known as Mini or personal size.

Crimson Sweet is one of the most popular varieties of Watermelon which is a part of seeded melons. It has delicious sweet and red flesh. Watermelon is one of the most liked fruit in India and is widely consumed during the summer season as it provides a different level of freshness. 

Seeded Watermelons are the most liked category of Watermelon in the United States. They have seed coats inside them which seem to be white “seeds”, they are perfectly edible. 

The size of the Watermelon can astonish you a lot. The size of the Watermelon depends upon the surroundings, the conditions are the strategy by which they are grown. 

The largest and heaviest Watermelon was grown by “Chris Kent” of Tennessee back in 2013. By that, he registered himself as the Guinness World Book Record holder. The weight of that Watermelon was 158.9 kilogram, that’s really huge.

Some farmers in Japan have become successful in growing cube-shaped Watermelons and you will be amazed to know that they are growing them for the last 40 years, that’s strange. 

Cube, rectangle, square, or circle this Watery fruit is a gift of god and is the most refreshing thing one wishes to have in summers. Watermelons were the official state vegetable of OKLAHOMA.

Now whenever next time when you bite a watermelon on hot summer days, feels its juices moving in your mouth and giving a lot of fun to your tastebuds, keep in mind the health and fitness benefits of it and its seeds as now you know how healthy they are.

"So, these were some interesting facts, remember given above is not a solution to any problem, they are just mere advice and information. You should always consult your doctor before taking any step. Take care!." Please subscribe and share interesting health or fitness topics, and interesting facts.

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